Westosha Central Athletics

Westosha Central High School

Boys Varsity Soccer

Team News
Game Summaries (0)

No team summary for this season.

News (3)


Updated on 06/10/2022

IMPACT Testing Schedule

I have finalized the IMPACT testing schedule with our trainer. You will need to bring your own laptop and mouse if you have one. There will be two sessions and a backup session if needed. The testing takes about 45 minutes. Please contact me if you cannot make your assigned testing time for another testing session. DO NOT JUST SHOW UP TO THE OTHER SESSION as we are limiting athletes in the room to minimize contact risk.


8/24 3:15 PM @ Central Gym Lobby

All Juniors/Seniors/Returning Varsity and Pflug, Rasor, Rasor, Martinez


8/25 3:15 @ Central Gym Lobby

All remaining sophomore/incoming freshmen


Backup Session -

Please contact me directly if you need the backup session.


Season Schedule:


Couple of notes on the schedule


1) It is subject to change

2) The WIAA has not yet determined if there will be a state tournament that will occur after our regular season ends

3) If you have chosen to provide private transport to/from away games you must report by the following times:

JV - 3:45

Varsity 4:30

Transportation Information

Updated on 06/10/2022

Hello Soccer Family,


The conference met yesterday to finalize our schedule and hopefully it will be released soon. During the season, traditionally the school has provided transportation for all athletes to and from athletic events. This does put students in close quarters with each other in an enclosed space for an extended period of time. If you are not comfortable with that situation you do have the option to provide transportation for your athlete to and from all athletic events. Please note, if you take that option you will be responsible for all transportation and will not be able to use the school provided bus because it will complicate our contact tracing protocols. In short, playing outdoors does not necessarily constitute close contact should we find a positive case but being on a bus together definitely does.


Again, you may provide private transportation for your athlete if you are uncomfortable with your athlete taking the bus. However if you choose this option you will be responsible for ALL of their transportation for the entirety of the season. So you have two options, ride the bus for the whole season OR private transport for the whole season.


Should you choose the private transport option please complete and submit the attached form ASAP. You can submit the form to me or our athletic director at lindhj@westosha.k12.wi.us


Transportation Waiver:


Summer Open Gym Information

Updated on 06/10/2022

I am excited to announce that open gyms for the 2020 season have been scheduled.

Open gyms are scheduled for Mondays, 5-6:30 pm on the following dates: 7/6, 7/13, 7/20, 7/27, and 8/3.

Please note that we will be following Westosha's enhanced hygiene and safety protocols during these open gyms. This means in order to participate you must have a signed waiver.


Please read the safety protocols here: Safety Protocols

Please find the waiver here: Waiver
