
2024 Baseball - State Tournament

2024 Boys Volleyball - State Tournament

2024 Girls Golf Sectional Champs

Sectional Champion
2024 Girls Tennis Sectional Champs

WIAA State Champ

WIAA State Swim Meet

Boys Basketball Sectional Semifinal Tickets
Use the following link to purchase basketball tickets for the Sectional basketball game on 3/13. The game will be played at Kenosha Indian Trail against West Allis Central. Game starts at 7:00 p.m. and doors open to the gym at 6:30. https://my.hometownticketing.com/agency/d8b9e5ed-12ab-40e7-b51a-fa8c60eb8855/events/00ef8703-e62f-47d5-b634-c9dd83406300
More About Boys Basketball Sectional Semifinal Tickets
🎉 Exciting News for Falcon Athletics Fans! 🎉
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our brand-new website! **What's New:**🌐 Modern and User-Friendly Interface🔍 Improved Navigation for Easy Access📅 Brand New Calendar Layout📸 Stunning Visuals and GalleriesClick this link to learn more about the site.
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Online Tickets
Fans can purchase tickets to all home sporting evening via GoFan https://gofan.co/app/school/WI19516
More About Online TicketsAthletic Hall of Fame
Westosha Central is looking for 2018 inductees into the Athletic Hall of Fame. If you know of an athlete, coach, team or a person for meritorious service who deserving of this honor please complete the application below. Nominator Use this form to nominate an individual you believe has had a significant impact on Westosha Central High School’s athletic program. The individual can be a coach, player, team, or a person for meritorious service. Nominee’s Category (circle one) Athlete Coach Team Meritorious Service Nominee’s Name or Team ____________________________________________________________________ Phone (_____) - _______ - __________ Address ______________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip _____________
More About Athletic Hall of FamePractices and Games During Breaks
Sport seasons that fall during breaks will have practice and games during these times (Summer, Thanksgiving, Winter and Spring). If you would like to know the exact dates and times of these practices or games please contact the varsity head coach of the sport in question. Any other questions may be directed to the CHS Athletic Department.
More About Practices and Games During BreaksTeam News
Boys Tennis Sign-Up Meeting
Boys Varsity TennisDate: Wednesday, February 26th Time: 5:30-6:30 p.m. Location: Westosha Central High School - Upper Commons
More About Boys Tennis Sign-Up MeetingCalculate Your Admissions Chances (Brought to you by CollegeVine)
Interesting News Headlines From Guests AuthorsSee where you stand in the competitive college application process. Explore your chances of acceptance at every college based on your extracurriculars, intended major, background and more. Calculate my chances
More About Calculate Your Admissions Chances (Brought to you by CollegeVine)
Youth Football Registration is Open
Varsity FootballThe Westosha Falcon Youth Football registration for the 2020 season is open. This includes Spring Flag, Summer Camp, Fall Flag, and Fall Tackle. Don't miss the early bird price! See the attached flyer for details. https://www.westoshafootball.org/
More About Youth Football Registration is Open
Dance and Cheer Conference Saturday, January 11th
Varsity DanceCome out to support dance and cheer this weekend at Delavan Darien High School for the SLC Conference Competition! JV Cheer at 9:00, Varsity Cheer at 9:30 and Varsity Dance at 11:55!
More About Dance and Cheer Conference Saturday, January 11thGirls Varsity Golf vs.
Girls Varsity GolfTeam score 318...5th out of 9 teams Elle O'Reilly low Falcon with a 66 followed by Jalyn Warren with an 81
More About Girls Varsity Golf vs.Boys Varsity Golf vs. Wilmot Union, Badger High School, Delavan-Darien, Elkhorn Area, Waterford, Burlington
Boys Varsity Golf4th place out of the eight conference teams
More About Boys Varsity Golf vs. Wilmot Union, Badger High School, Delavan-Darien, Elkhorn Area, Waterford, BurlingtonBoys Varsity Track Practice
Boys Varsity TrackFirst day of practice 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
More About Boys Varsity Track PracticeBoys Varsity Soccer vs. TBD
Boys Varsity SoccerJacob Lau netted the first goal in the 48th minute after a blistering shot from Tyler Silber proved too much for the Waterford keeper to smother and the rebound fell to Lau who placed the ball into the right net. Waterford equalized on a shot from distance that dipped wickedly in the wind. Central finished scoring in the 75th minute when Trenton Kmiec lobbed a ball across the top of the 18 where Felix Desimoni lofted the ball into the upper right 90. We came with a mission tonight and the boys pulled through. We wanted to send out our seniors and fans on a good note on the last home game of the regular season, and apart from the weather we delivered. We controlled the ball pretty well given the conditions and were able to create threats from a lot of different places. Waterford tried to lock down Bobby McNealy so other players need to step up and they did. With our win tonight we finish conference with a 5-4 reco
More About Boys Varsity Soccer vs. TBDBoys Varsity Soccer vs. Burlington
Boys Varsity SoccerTonight was a win we desperately wanted and we got it pretty convincingly. Bobby continues to be impressive in his attack and distribution. His ability frees up other players who are also contributing. The defense tonight was a large part of the win shutting down threats and distributing ball back to our attackers. It was especially impressive given we had to make some unplanned substitutions so the maturity and leadership of Tim Bizek Daley, Braden Beth and Nick Rasmussen is a big reason why we are as successful as we are. A huge team effort tonight and a solid win.
More About Boys Varsity Soccer vs. BurlingtonBoys Varsity Soccer vs. Antioch
Boys Varsity SoccerCentral opened the scoring with a free kick taken by Bobby McNealy finding the back of the net. Antioch drew level in the opening minute of the second half and then went ahead on a penalty kick. Central equalized in the 63rd minute with Jacob Lau making a deep run to the right corner and crossing ball to Tyler Silber's head. I was happy to see the team play with grit when we went down. He had a defensive lapse in the opening moments of the second half and that required us to play nose to the grind stone. Jacob's assist only happened because of his never say die attitude and Tyler just threw everything he had at the ball and it found the net. A draw against a non-conference team that we have traditionally struggled against is a good way to open up a really tough week for us.
More About Boys Varsity Soccer vs. AntiochBoys Varsity Soccer vs. Wilmot Union
Boys Varsity SoccerFinal Score CHS 6: Wilmot 0 Half Time Score CHS 3: Wilmot 0 The scoring began early with Bobby McNealy being sent on a breakaway and beating Wilmot's keeper to the lower right corner of the net at the 1:49 mark. Bobby found the net again three minutes later to double the lead. Scoring in the first half was finished by Davin Cummings tapping a ricochet off of Wilmot's keeper. The Falcons were not done as Davin pounded a free kick into the net after it took a deflection from a Wilmot defender. Tyler Silber notched one more with a brilliant piece of dribbling around Wilmot's right side, and the goal of the night goes to senior Nick Rasmussen who finished a ball arcing over the Wilmot keeper after being played an aerial flick from Bobby McNealy.
More About Boys Varsity Soccer vs. Wilmot UnionBoys Varsity Soccer vs. TBD
Boys Varsity SoccerCHS @ Badger Full Time Score CHS 1: Badger 1 (4:2 PSO) CONSOLATION BRACKET CHAMPIONS! Central's regulation goal was scored by Colten Schultz in the second half to force the shootout. Shooters Tyler Silber, Davin Cummings, Timothy Bizek-Daley, and Felix Desimoni all buried their shots. Keeper Chase Erickson saved a shot from Badger, and Badger's third shooter missed giving Central the trophy!
More About Boys Varsity Soccer vs. TBDBoys Varsity Soccer vs. Racine Lutheran
Boys Varsity SoccerIt took a little bit to figure out how to break down the Crusader defense. The leadership of captain Bobby McNealy helped break through the defense as he found seams which lead to two assists on two goals from Felix Desimoni. Scoring in the first half was rounded out by Tyler Silber with an unassisted goal from inside the 18. In the second half junior Braeden Schmidt added one goal and junior Colten Schultz added two more. The last goal was an on goal off an a corner kick taken by Tyler Silber. Final Score 7-0 Falcons. Good game boys!
More About Boys Varsity Soccer vs. Racine LutheranBoys Varsity Cross Country vs. Palmyra-Eagle
Boys Varsity Cross CountrySenior Colton Greenhill finished 12th in 18:40. Senior Jonathan Filiatreault finished 32nd with a time of 19:46.8, sophomore Kyle Pflug had a time of 19:48.3, senior Brandon Horton was 44th with a time of 29:31.3 and junior Matt Pham was 66th with a time of 21:41.5. The boys team finished 7th overall with a score of 179.
More About Boys Varsity Cross Country vs. Palmyra-EagleGirls Varsity Cross Country vs. Palmyra-Eagle
Girls Varsity Cross CountryMeghan Capra had a top-10 finish, placing 9th with a time of 20:50 at Carlin Weld Park in Palmyra. Sophomore Heaven Anderson was 14th was a time of 21:04.7, senior Machkenzie Maccaux was 36th with a time of 23:09.1, freshman Madlynn Mitacek was 59th with a time of 24:38.4 and senior Chelsea Lamp was 66th with a time of 25:17.6. The girls team finished 7th overall with 175 points.
More About Girls Varsity Cross Country vs. Palmyra-EagleBoys Varsity Soccer vs. Racine Horlick
Boys Varsity SoccerCentral struck in the first half when a long ball played by Tyler Silber found senior forward Bobby McNealy in stride. With a quick touch Bobby had beaten his defender and another quick cut beat Horlicks's keeper and Bobby passed the ball into the goal. Felix Desimoni doubled the lead in the 73rd minute when he intercepted a mishandled pass from Horlick's goalkeeper.
More About Boys Varsity Soccer vs. Racine Horlick
Mountain Bike Practice has begun!!
CoEd All Levels Mountain BikingThe mountain bike team started its pre-season practices a few weeks ago. We had a record turnout with over 15 athletes showing up. The team is open to any students in the Kenosha and surrounding areas, boy or girl, grades 6th to 12th. Join anytime, there are no tryouts or benches, everyone rides! Contact Coach Dave Bender for more information. denoon1012@gmail.com
More About Mountain Bike Practice has begun!!Varsity Cheerleading vs. Wilmot Union, Delavan-Darien, Elkhorn Area, Union Grove, Waterford, Burlington
Varsity CheerleadingVarsity Team: Conference Champions JV Team: Conference Champions Quad: 2nd Place- Lindsay, Lauren, Madi H., Sara Solo: Madi H. All Conference Champion
More About Varsity Cheerleading vs. Wilmot Union, Delavan-Darien, Elkhorn Area, Union Grove, Waterford, BurlingtonGirls Varsity Basketball vs. Elkhorn Area
Girls Varsity BasketballSelect the link below to read the game summary. http://mykenoshacounty.com/?p=9938
More About Girls Varsity Basketball vs. Elkhorn AreaVarsity Wrestling vs. Union Grove
Varsity WrestlingMore About Varsity Wrestling vs. Union Grove