Westosha Central Athletics

Westosha Central High School

Girls Varsity Tennis

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Girls Varsity Tennis vs. Waterford

10.0 years ago @ 4:32AM
Game Date
Sep 18, 2014
FALCONSWestosha Central High School: 0

The varsity girl’s tennis team defeated Waterford High School last night at home.  Winning for the Falcons was Brienna Bostanche at 1 singles, Katrina Bostanche at 2 singles, and Kate Neave and Jessica Vela at 3 doubles.  The fourth point came late in the match as Maria Salerno and Stephanie Dopuch, the 2 doubles team, after several dueces, won the third set 6-4 to win the match for Westosha.  That improves the team conference record to 4-2.  Great win girls
